
Parental Consent

* When the suspicious, worrisome eyes of protective parents are cemented, day and night, on their children, does “getting your way” have even the slightest chance of existing for teenagers today?

“Even Tougher Love; Parents Confront Drugs, Piercing and New Risks in Their Children’s Lives” (Jan. 29) brought up the fact that without the consent of a parent, many of the “adventures” teenagers seek are out the door--no bellybutton ring, no baggy pants, no awesome hairdo, nothing. Where has all the fun gone? In my view, not so far away that it can’t be retrieved.

As a teenager, you have to realize the pros and cons of the activities you desire to take part in. You must also possess the responsibility to accept consequences that may spring from your actions. Once this has been accomplished, getting your parents to understand that you understand both the benefits and the risks of what you want to put yourself through may be the key to acquiring “your way.”


After all, hasn’t it been remarked that each of us controls our own life and chooses our own path? Parents have done the same and should allow their children the equivalent opportunity, once they have discovered that their children are mature in their thinking about life and how to live it.


Santa Clarita

Arunrut is in 10th grade at Van Nuys High School Math and Science Magnet.
