
Dianne Feinstein

Re “FBI Warned Feinstein of China Aim to Funnel Cash,” March 9: I see the FBI warned Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) about illegal contributions back in June. Why is it she did not return the money until March 7? This contribution comes from the Lippo Group, which is the cause of Bill Clinton’s latest “embarrassment.”

The Democrats are always passing themselves off as the “party that cares.” It seems to me they care more about helping themselves than helping anyone else, and the most disturbing thing about this is that they are selling out our country for political power. This is high treason and they ought to be held accountable, they more than any others.


Santa Barbara

Your article seems to me to put undue emphasis on a nonevent. Your bashing of Democrats lately appears to be an overreaction to the Republican politicians’ continual whining about “liberal press bias.”




What’s all this fuss about the Chinese trying to influence our election? For the past 40 years our government, usually through the CIA, has been destablizing governments all over the globe by buying off or rigging elections, running our candidates and probably even having political figures assassinated.

Now when some other country dares to try the same thing here, with such an innocuous method as funneling money to candidates it prefers, people get upset. Of course other countries have a stake in the results of our elections and we have to expect them to do whatever they can (legally) to influence the outcome.


San Pedro
