
Rain-Forest Munch, Spring Fling

The event: Reflections of Paradise, the 14th annual spring fashion show staged by the Sophisticates, a support group of the Assessment and Treatment Services Center for troubled children. Thursday’s luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Irvine netted more than $100,000 for the center, which has facilities in Tustin and Newport Beach.

It’s a Jungle: To carry out the theme, party planners transformed the ballroom into a lush tropical oasis--complete with waterfalls, leafy vines, palm trees and potted orchids. “We talked with a few fashion designers, and they were using words like ‘environment’ and ‘atmosphere,’ ” said Laurie Woodruff, event co-chairwoman. “They were inspired by the rain forest, so we chose a tropical theme.”

How Green Was My Outfit: The clothes were incredible--and not just the ones shown by models from Nordstrom at South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa. The 600 guests (mostly female) sported springtime suits and dresses in citrus colors--especially green--in shades of lime, kiwi and melon. The women wore everything from long slinky dresses to the tiniest of skirts. As one guest noted, “First there’s a fashion show--and then there’s the fashion show.”


Bottom Line: The luncheon netted $115,000 for the center, which offers free counseling to children and their families. The children are referred to the center by schools and police departments.

Quote: “We treat children who have had a dramatic change in behavior. They might be withdrawn, or their grades may have dropped, or they’ve started hanging out with gangs,” said Melinda Guinaldo, executive director of the ATSC.

Guest list: Zee Allred, honorary chairwoman; Shelley Elam, co-chairwoman; Lynda Hughes, decorations chairwoman, who collaborated with a Costa Mesa-based company called Plantrageous in arranging the foliage; Jeannie Lawrence; Sue Cannon; Tita Loza; Ellen Wilcox; Diane Cruzen; Debbie Newmeyer; Shanna Hensling; Marianne MacDonald; Nili Stevens; Lana Chandler; Denice Mock; Penny Fox; Petrina Friede; Eve Kornyei; Devon Kile; and Suzanne Werdin.


What’s Next: The Sophisticates will celebrate Cuatro de Mayo, a dinner-dance on May 4 at Rancho Las Lomas in Trabuco Canyon. (714) 756-0993.
