
Lighting, Landscape Assessments May Rise

The fees Moorpark residents pay to ensure city streets stay lit at night and public landscaping stays green could rise by more than $12 during the next fiscal year.

The Moorpark City Council on Wednesday set in motion the process of raising the city’s lighting and landscaping assessments. The proposal under consideration would raise the assessment for a single-family home from $27.69 to $40.32.

Before the assessments can rise, the council must hold a public meeting to receive comments. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 19 at City Hall. The council will then discuss the assessments at its June 4 meeting.


The timing could be important. A statewide ballot initiative, passed by voters last year, sharply limited the ability of local governments to raise taxes and assessments, but its provisions do not kick in until July 1, according to Moorpark city staff members. The city therefore hopes to vote on the increase before July.
