
William Cohen

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. It takes a lot of chutzpah for Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen to “blast” North Korea for expanding its army while its people starve (April 12). Cohen needs to be reminded that while the Pentagon is still spending at Cold War levels, millions of people are going hungry right here in his own backyard. Hunger afflicted almost 30 million Americans, 12 million of them children, according to The Times (Nov. 20, 1994). More recently, The Times reported that 37% of children in California were at risk of hunger (Nov. 26, 1996).

No, Secretary Cohen, charity begins at home. My guess is that if we cut the appropriations to the Pentagon to just what we need to defend our people, we would have enough left over not only to feed the hungry here at home, but also to take care of the hungry all over the world.


