
Council to Consider Tougher Smoking Ban

A ban on smoking in restaurant bars will be considered by the City Council tonight.

The ban would be added to an existing city law that restricts smoking in public places, such as businesses.

In 1995, the council voted against a restaurant smoking ban, anticipating the enactment of AB 13, a state law that would prohibit smoking in restaurants and bars without proper ventilation systems.

But when the state delayed implementation of that law from 1995 to 1998, the City Council decided to again consider toughening its own ban.


“I’m not sure how I’m going to vote this time around,” said Councilman Joel Lautenschleger, who voted against it in 1995. “I based my vote [then] on AB 13 being implemented, but that has been delayed.”

With only a handful of businesses potentially impacted, Lautenschleger wondered whether the ban would be mostly symbolic.

“It comes down to a question: Do we have a problem here in Laguna Hills, or would it be good to let everyone know how we stand on this issue?” he said.


Craig Martin, manager of the Elephant Bar restaurant, said it already does not allow smoking in the bar, “We don’t experience a lot of turnaways. It’s not like there’s a lot of other places to eat and smoke in Laguna Hills.”

The council meeting will be in council chambers, 25201 Paseo de Alicia, at 7 p.m.

Information: (714) 707-2600.
