
Update / Follow-up on the news

Designs for the final “planned community” to be developed in the Santiago Hills area have won City Council approval and a reluctant nod from opponents.

An 11-acre parcel, the last of a series of Irvine Co. developments on 230 acres of land, will include about 100 lots for single-family homes on the northeast corner of Canyon View Avenue and White Oak Ridge.

Some neighbors had complained about the design, which prompted planners to add a pedestrian walkway and bike path leading to the community paseo, a landscaped area that residents can use to walk to nearby parks and schools.


Bob Bennyhoff, an activist in nearby Orange Park Acres, said the development design is still woefully lacking in amenities such as recreational space. But his organization is not protesting because the designs meet the city’s development standards.

“We support this plan, but we don’t like it,” he said.
