
Hampstead Tips

Regarding “Hampstead Instead” (March 9), in which the author complains of a lack of accommodations:

It is true that the hotels here are few and small, as one would expect in a mainly residential area, but there is plenty of lodging available when one includes bed-and-breakfast places, which are increasingly recognized as much better value than hotels. The London Bed & Breakfast Agency (71 Fellows Rd., London NW3 3YJ; telephone 011-44-171-586-2768, fax 011-44-171-586-6567), with which I am registered, has a huge list of homes in and near Hampstead, as well as all over London.

Besides the much-praised Cucina in South End Road, where the food is modern and stylish Italian, there recently opened on Heath Street a restaurant almost as good called Gresslin’s. It already got a rave review in a national newspaper, and the set lunches are an extremely good value.



