
No Need to Blame Anyone in Crash

* [Regarding the May 29 editorial, “Enough Blame to Go Around,” concerning the auto crash on May 23 in which a Newport Harbor High School senior was killed]:

One choice these teens made was absolutely right and it should not be questioned or second guessed. They used a designated driver. I am very proud of the fact that my son turned over the keys to his Blazer. That was the mature, right and responsible thing to do.

While we continue to live, let my son’s death, the critical injury of Amanda Arthur and the serious injuries to other special teens from Newport Harbor High School be a reminder to be safe this year at graduation. Let us all reflect on our actions that could lead to danger for ourselves and others. This accident appears to have been caused by speed, a dangerous curve, water on the roadway from a broken sprinkler system and many other factors. Do not place blame, take responsibility.



Newport Beach
