
Mayor Opts Not to Seek Reelection

Westlake Village Mayor Doug Yarrow said Thursday he will not seek reelection in the Nov. 4 election, possibly leaving two open seats on the council.

Yarrow said his decision to leave the council after two terms was motivated by a desire to spend more time with his family, travel and keep up with his growing software business.

“It’s time for someone else to step in,” he said.

“It’s a major time commitment for anyone, to do the right kind of job. I think it’s been a great experience, but I have a lot of things I want to do.”


Yarrow’s announcement comes a month before the beginning of the filing period--July 14 through Aug. 8--for the city’s next election.

There will be three seats available on the council this year.

Councilman James Emmons, also a two-term council member, previously announced he will not seek another term, and Councilwoman Kris Carraway-Bowman, who is completing her first term, has made no formal announcement of her candidacy, but is expected to run again.

Yarrow, now serving his second year as mayor, said he is most proud of the strides the council has taken in securing the financial stability of the city.


Much of that stability, he said, came when the council approved the PriceCostco warehouse store, which has established a solid tax base.

Yarrow said he plans to continue serving the community as a volunteer, primarily on issues related to the city’s young people, but is content for now to leave the city in the hands of others.

“We’d like to see very good candidates run,” he said.

“We’ve got a really good thing in Westlake Village.”
