
Teen Driving Bill Is Discriminatory

* Re “Teens Deride Bill to Restrict Licenses,” June 7:

The whole driving with a parent thing if you’re under 18 is so ludicrous. Driving is one of the few privileges that teenagers have, and now they are basically taking it away from us.

Doesn’t the government remember what it was like to be a teenager?

Or are they too old to remember what it was like to be a teenager?

They’re probably just trying to make us suffer because they had no life when they were our age. That, or they are paranoid about teenage drivers because they think that they are all wild and reckless. This is not true. A few of my friends have gotten their license and they are not bad drivers, they are actually good drivers.

I am 15 and in the process of learning how to drive. I agree with the whole 50 hours [training behind the wheel for a beginner], but driving with your parent if you have a passenger? Give me a break! I might as well not even get my license and keep driving with my permit. It’s basically the same thing and I wouldn’t have to pay for insurance.


I was looking forward to driving because my parents wouldn’t have to take me to soccer practice and take my friends and me to the mall. This inconveniences both my parents and me.

I have seen plenty of horrible adult drivers and to make such a law is age discrimination. If you’re going to make teenagers drive with their parents, then I see no reason why you shouldn’t make adult drivers drive with their parents. You see, it’s this little thing called a double standard.


