
An All-Inclusive Resort for Canines


Are you hounded by pet guilt when you go on vacation and leave Fido in a kennel? Is the cure worth about $200 a day?

If you’ve answered “yes” to both questions, you--or rather, Fido--may be a potential client of the new Sierra Mountain Doggie Camp in a forested area of Tahoe City at Lake Tahoe. For $1,500, your dog can enjoy a week of swimming, forest hikes and canoe trips (escorted--no dog paddling allowed). Air fare from LAX and several other locations is included.

Camp director Suzy J. Scully said she began providing this service free to friends in Los Angeles about three years ago. When requests for it piled up, she decided to make it a business, and last week she put her first paid clients, two cocker spaniels from L.A., back on the plane after a 12-day stay. With only one volunteer camp counselor to help her, Scully plans to care for only two dogs at a time. Information: tel. (916) 581-0623..
