
School District to Hold Budget Meeting Today

The public is invited to comment on the Laguna Beach Unified School District’s proposed $14-million budget for the 1997-98 school year at a special meeting today.

The Board of Education will hold a study session on the proposed budget, and is expected to approve the budget Tuesday at its regularly scheduled meeting.

During today’s session, the board also is set to announce the appointment of a business manager for the district.


After nearly a year of financial unrest, the district recently hired Supt. Reed Montgomery, who starts July 1 to help lead the district out of its financial crisis.

In November, the board cut the salaries of all district employees and borrowed $850,000 to balance the budget, after the Orange County Department of Education threatened to take financial control of district operations.

District officials attributed the shortfall to slack property tax revenue, bookkeeping errors, the massive 1993 fire in Laguna Beach and the Orange County bankruptcy.


The special meeting starts at 9 a.m. at the education center boardroom, 550 Blumont St. Information: (714) 497-7700.
