
Residents Should Aid Local Beautification

* Recently, volunteers from the local ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gave a helping hand to one of our longtime Fillmore residents, Daisy Sanderson.

These folks swarmed over the Santa Clara Street property and trimmed, hauled, painted, and generally made short work of a tricky cleanup job.

I would like them to know that we here at the city of Fillmore appreciate their efforts and the efforts of Steve McKinnon who put this project together.


This is the direction that we would like to go eventually with the Redevelopment Agency’s Housing Rehabilitation Program. There are so many properties in Fillmore that could use a little attention, a little sprucing up and a little pride to improve our own community. There is no doubt in my mind that once a few properties are beautified a little bit, the ball will start rolling, and entire neighborhoods will rejuvenate themselves.

I would encourage any individual or group that wants to do some more of this good work to contact me here at Fillmore City Hall. We anticipate bringing the rehabilitation program before the City Council in the near future, and I would like to be able to tell them that there is a high degree of interest in a hand-in-hand approach to the business and pleasure of beautifying our already fine community. My direct telephone number is 524-1500, Ext. 109.


Housing Programs Specialist

