
Roof Repairs at Granada Hills High

* Re “School’s Roof an LAUSD Priority,” Aug. 19.

Last year, as president of the Granada Hills High School Booster Club, I actively tried to notify the LAUSD of the significant roofing problem that has existed at the school for quite some time. After the earthquake I, as a concerned parent, had directed letters to the LAUSD. During last year’s rains, when water flooded the administrative offices, I joined other parents and students in trying to save the papers, desks, chairs and personal possessions of the staff. LAUSD emergency field crews showed up hours later, helped mop up and called for additional repair. A feature article regarding our flood was even published.

This year, every time I walk on campus, I see the obvious signs of roofing needing repair.

At monthly parent meetings, the administration tells interested parents of the latest calls to officials and of the promises regarding the roof’s repair.

Why didn’t the request from staff come to the board more quickly? I really don’t know, but some introspective review is certainly justified. I do know that the parents, teachers and administration at Granada Hills High School did everything possible to notify the LAUSD of our emergency. We yelled it from the hilltops, we published our concerns and we made phone calls.



Board Member, Granada Hills High

School Highlanders Booster Club

