
O.C. Fair Budget Rises but Not Ticket Prices

Directors for the Orange County Fair increased the budget for next year’s festival by $400,000 to $12.3 million but vowed not to raise ticket prices.

Since the 1997 fair set attendance records, the Orange County Fair Board of Directors decided not to tinker with a successful formula, officials said.

“It’s always our pleasure to present the Orange County Fair, certainly a family event, at the same affordable prices,” General Manager Becky Bailey-Findley said.


Admission remains $6 for fair-goers 13 to 54; $5 for 55 and older; and $2 for children 6 to 12. Parking at the Costa Mesa fairgrounds will remain $4 a vehicle and $2 for car pools with at least four passengers.

The July 10-26 run will feature a “We’re in the Pink” theme including a salute to fuchsias, Costa Mesa’s city flower.
