
Members Selected for Audit Committee

City officials have selected members for an Internal Audit Committee, a new body created last summer in the wake of a scandal involving the city’s trash hauler and recycler.

Certified public accountants Steven E. Meadows, David E. Sundstrom and Eric H. Woolery will be “citizen-representatives” on the panel.

The new audit committee also includes City Council members Dan Slater and Mark Murphy, City Manager David L. Rudat and a finance expert yet to be hired by the city.


City Council members voted in September to create the seven-member group to provide stewardship of the city’s financial affairs.

The move came after a police investigation into allegations that the city’s trash hauling and recycling companies, both owned by the same family, might have been misappropriating municipal funds for years.

Pressed by residents to explain why the financial situation had not been examined earlier, the council voted to hire an internal audit manager and an internal auditor. Candidates for those positions are still being interviewed.


All meetings will be posted by the city clerk’s office and open to the public. No sessions have been scheduled yet.
