
Sexual Healing

Sex is more than just a whale of a good time, according to Felice Dunas, author of a new book called “Passion Play” (Riverhead Books). The self-proclaimed “internationally renowned Chinese medical expert” says sex expedites healing. Western cures, Dunas argues, rely too heavily on the “pain” of surgery and the “suffering” of the grieving process. Instead, the West needs to incorporate ancient Chinese sexual techniques into its medical treatments to help patients heal more efficiently. Wonder if proof of good sex will get you a discount on your health insurance rates?

Sleepy Time

Sleep is apparently Job One at the Hilton Hotels. To that noble end, the international hotel chain has developed a special “Sleep-Tight Room” to rock to sleep those sufferers of travel-related sleep disorders. Each Hilton outfits at least five rooms--which cost the same as the standard ones--with such sleep-conducive items as earplugs, masks, a collection of environmental music, special pillows and mattresses and a mini-bar stocked with caffeine-free beverages. If you’re still awake, put on something decent and visit Hilton’s Web site at

Oh, Those Aching Feet

Are your dogs barking? There’s now a store in the Lakewood Center Mall whose mission is to keep those puppies quiet. It’s Comfortimage, which specializes in orthotic arch supports. According to the store, about 80% of the population suffers from musculoskeletal imbalances that can lead to everything from a bad back to an ankle sprain. Orthotics may not only correct the imbalance, but it could also be the ideal gift this holiday for the person who has everything. Visit the Web site at


Walk This Way

For couch potatoes toying with a fitness-oriented New Year’s resolution, a good bit of advice might be walk, don’t run. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found that folks who want to stick to an exercise program should walk in 10-minute bursts three times a day. The regimen, researchers found, has optimum results and a much lower dropout rate than the 30-minute daily workout recommended by fitness gurus. But don’t slice up the 30-minute workout into more than three segments. Otherwise, you might as well stay on the couch.
