
ARCO Studying Possible Reorganization

Some staff cuts and relocations at Atlantic Richfield’s Los Angeles headquarters office may result from an “organizational study” now in progress, but the company strongly denied rumors swirling among downtown employees that a large-scale transfer of employees, possibly to Texas, is in the works. Texas has become increasingly important to ARCO, and is now the home of four of its units, including Plano-based Arco International Oil & Gas. “We are looking at how our corporate staff in our various service groups can best be organized. There may be some staff reductions and a few relocations but certainly no massive relocations,” a spokesman said, adding it’s too early to give dates or numbers of possible cuts or reassignments. Of ARCO’s 22,800 employees worldwide, about 4,300 are located in California, including 1,400 in Los Angeles County, and 2,800 in Texas.
