
Architectural Plan OKd for $1-Million Library Upgrade

A $1-million renovation of the main library cleared another step this week when the City Council approved a general architectural plan for the project.

Even with the renovation, city officials said a new main library will be needed in the next three to 10 years.

“We have to be careful about turning this library into a Cadillac,” Mayor Joanne Coontz said. “The perception will be that we don’t need a new library.”


Problems with the existing library building on Chapman Avenue include inadequate restrooms for the disabled, outdated technology and cramped circulation space.

Council members said they are pleased with architect Robert R. Coffee’s conceptual plans, which include a new logo--a three-dimensional orange.

“I thought it would be impossible to bring some excitement to that building, but you have achieved that,” Councilman Michael Alvarez said.


The library will be closed for construction in January and reopen in July.
