
Parade to Kick Off Yearly Bash

The city’s 13th annual La Palma Days festival begins this morning with a band-filled parade and continues through Sunday evening. Residents should start lining up on the parade route along Walker Street, between Houston and La Palma avenues, by 10:15 a.m. for the community’s largest municipal bash.

Teachers and administrators from the Centralia School District will join Mayor Kenneth Blake as grand marshals of the parade.

More than 100 groups and bands from junior and senior high schools will be marching in the parade, which ends about noon.


After the parade, visitors and residents will converge on Walker Street’s Central Park. The carnival includes live entertainment, rides, arts and crafts, and stays open until 10 p.m.

The La Palma Branch of the Orange County Public Library will be closed for the event and will reopen Monday. As an alternate, patrons can use the Cypress Branch.
