
DreamWorks’ Lawyer Needs Wake-Up Call

In Claudia Eller’s “Spielberg Lawsuit Pits Author vs. Auteur” [The Biz, Oct. 24], DreamWorks attorney Bert Fields dares to actually suggest that the author, Barbara Chase-Riboud, an African American who is suing DreamWorks for copyright infringement, should not cause waves because the project is about African Americans and, according to Fields, is based on the work of leading black historians.

I don’t really know who is legally correct in the copyright question, but for Mr. Fields to bring race into the issue seems completely inappropriate. Along the same line of reasoning, would he have me, as a woman, just shut up and support a picture whose story I felt I had a claim to just because the studio’s version was written by another woman?

I think Mr. Fields is the “sorry sight.”


