
The Stuff

Seems like everybody’s kicking and punching in martial arts and kick-boxing classes at gyms all over town. But once you get hooked, you realize that you can’t really throw that uppercut into your partner’s chin--he might decide to hit you back even harder. And pounding away on the typical leather or vinyl-covered heavy bag just doesn’t feel like the real thing.

Where’s a person to find a body that won’t hit back? No, not the meat freezer, no matter how Rocky trained. Spar Pro makes the world’s first anatomically correct sparring mannequin. Adapted from its original use as a medical mannequin, the Spar Pro offers fighters a near-perfect training tool: a muscular armless torso. This nameless--and hairless--man looks more than a bit like “Star Trek’s” Capt. Jean-Luc Picard, though it isn’t clear that Patrick Stewart has washboard abs. Made from vinyl-coated rubber over high density foam, the torso has a flesh-like feel, and gives on impact, making it perfect for practicing a variety of punches, kicks and other strikes to the upper body.

“People ask if I can put their boss’ face on it,” says Revgear’s Paul Reavlin. “I tell them to just imagine it there.” Already popular in martial arts dojos (gyms), the Spar Pro can also be purchased for home use for $299, far less than a side of beef, no refrigeration required.


Available from REVGEAR at (800) 767-8288.
