
Sale Offers Hope for Knott’s Farm

* In regard to your Oct. 22 article “Knotts Agree to Sell Park,” I’d have to say it’s quite nice to see that someone is going to make the effort to expand the park.

Knott’s Berry Farm is actually a small amusement park, especially when compared with its competition, such as Disneyland. The attractions that Knott’s is composed of are exhilarating and fun, yet there just aren’t enough of them.

It’s obvious to one who has been to other amusement parks that Knott’s is nowhere near as busy. The park isn’t a lost cause; it still stands strong as a wonderful place to have fun with family and friends.


My only concern for the park has been the possibility of its closing due to “slow” business the last few years. This new appeal by the buyers is bringing forth a ray of sunshine, hopefully leading to an even better Knott’s Berry Farm with more attractions and a better chance to “stay in the game” with its competition.


Laguna Niguel
