
GOP Off Base on Capizzi

* A few little Napoleons in the Republican Party leadership are trying to play kingmakers in the attorney general’s race (“Capizzi Feeling Chill Inside the Republican Convention,” Sept. 27). They are way off base because the majority of Republicans support [Dist. Atty. Michael R.] Capizzi.

This so-called leadership plays games almost as bad as the Assembly mess the district attorney is currently prosecuting.

State Republican Party Chairman Michael R. Schroeder cannot tell any elected official to resign. The bogus resolution last year against Capizzi didn’t have a quorum to pass, and a motion for a roll call was ignored.


Republicans and the community at large are growing weary of the arrogant back-room manipulating, arm twisting, dirty tricks and nonsense of these few little Napoleons. Schroeder is an embarrassment to the party and he should resign.


Huntington Beach

* Interesting that the “party of Lincoln,” the Republican Party, which continues to claim the moral high ground and is forever stressing personal responsibility and “family values,” now seeks to throw Dist. Atty. Michael R. Capizzi out of office.

This because Capizzi dared to prosecute Assemblyman Scott Baugh (R-Huntington Beach) and Rhonda Carmony for election shenanigans to which other involved parties have pleaded guilty.


Obviously what our local Republican leaders want is a Republican district attorney who will take orders from them and do as he is told.


Huntington Beach

* One can expect the Orange County Republican Party’s leadership to continue their unethical campaign against Capizzi. Their lies and tacit approval, if not outright involvement, in the shoddy attempt to undermine the democratic process is not likely to result in anything else.

However, David Stirling’s remarks and actions quoted in The Times on Sept. 27 are outrageous. As a former judge and one who seeks to gain the title of the state’s chief law enforcement officer, he should stand squarely behind Capizzi’s impartial prosecution of these alleged criminals, even if they are Republicans.


Stirling’s remarks and lack of fortitude to do what is right prove his lack of integrity and clearly establish his unfitness for the office he seeks.


La Palma
