
Ordinance Targets Abandoned Carts

City leaders have approved Anaheim’s first ordinance aimed at removing abandoned shopping carts from streets.

The City Council recently gave the nod for the ordinance, which offers incentives for shopping cart owners to remove carts from streets immediately after they are abandoned. The law also imposes fines if shopping cart owners fail more than three times within six months to pick up abandoned carts.

Officials say the purpose of the shopping cart retrieval program is to rid neighborhoods of lost, stolen and abandoned carts, which cause blight.


The proposed ordinance also includes impounding of shopping carts that lack identification or affect emergency service.

Anaheim already has contracts with two private companies to retrieve carts and take them to the storage yard. Taormina Industries Inc., the city’s trash hauler, also has agreed to store retrieved carts at its facility at 1131 N. Blue Gum St.
