
Frutchey a Victim of ‘Old Boy’ System

Thanks for your article describing how the city of Oxnard got itself in the running for an award for innovative government after the designer of the reforms, former City Manager Tom Frutchey, was fired.

It appears that Mr. Frutchey was the victim of a political “old boy” system, since, as you point out, the three City Council members who voted to fire Mr. Frutchey are all former Oxnard city employees. Mayor Lopez and his allies would not want any of their friends still working for the city moved around, let go or made to work smarter and/or harder.

The facts that Mr. Frutchey had no trouble finding another job in the private sector and that the city manager’s position remains unfilled due to a lack of applicants speak volumes about the state of Oxnard’s upper management.


Maybe its time for some “reform” in the makeup of the City Council.



Ventura County Letters
