
Parks Measure Is Badly Needed

* I am writing in response to the letters to the editor opposing Measure P. I find the opposition very upsetting because they do not have their facts straight.

I have lived in Moorpark more than 10 years. I moved here for the same reasons as most: a nice family community, good schools and well-kept parks. I have supported youth programs by coaching and as a board member.

Individuals opposing Measure P say, “All I see at the parks are youth sports.” I must ask these people, what would you prefer the children of Moorpark to do after school and on the weekends? Children need to be involved in constructive activities. These activities help build character and at the same time give the youth an opportunity to use their free time wisely.


I also hear the opposition say the adults who participate in evening sports should pay more in their entry fees. Isn’t $350 (per team) for a season to play softball high enough to participate in evening sports! Next thing you know the opposing individuals will want to charge an entry fee to families who go to the park for barbecues and picnics!

For the past 10 years our property bills have designated $40.16 toward park maintenance. Currently it costs $600,000 (plus) for parks maintenance. What many citizens of Moorpark may not understand is that, due to Proposition 218, the money which had previously been applied toward parks will no longer be in existence if Measure P does not pass.

Measure P provides a guarantee that our parks will be maintained at the level our citizens of Moorpark deserve.


On Nov. 4, vote Yes on Measure P.


