
Stop Harassing Many Mansions

Susan Grana’s letter “Many Questions for Many Mansions” (Aug. 31), about people on the Many Mansions advisory board:

Our agency appreciates good people who are willing to give of their time to be involved with us. If Michael Bradbury chooses to give money to Many Mansions, that’s his decision. And as for police Cmdr. Kathy Kemp being on our board, she’s a fantastic gal and our police force is the best in Ventura County.

Stoll House is being built as a place for single moms and children or people who need a place to live only on a temporary basis until they can get back on their feet and return to the working world. We will be training people to do that. And Many Mansions will be monitoring Stoll House very carefully.


I ask that certain citizens stop harassing Many Mansions. It’s damaging to our agency’s integrity.


Thousand Oaks
