
Point Missed on Teachers

* The Sept. 7 editorial criticizing the Orange Unified School District Board of Education for not preserving the instructional capability to reinstate the bilingual program in the event of a legal challenge or disapproval by the State Board of Education fails to recognize that an outstanding contract with the Professional Teachers Assn. provides that teacher contracts for the 1997-98 school year released in mid-March to all the members of our teaching staff for renewal afford each teacher until June 30 to advise the district of his intent to renew.

During the 3 1/2-month interim period the district must hold the teaching position open, and can only effect a replacement when employee confirmation before June 30 is not received.

During this period, many of our teachers with five to 20 years of service accepted appointments in other districts because of a combination of low pay in Orange Unified, higher salary schedules including bilingual stipends offered in other districts, pending uncertain salary negotiations with the teachers union, and in the case of bilingual teachers, concern that the bilingual program would sunset in the Orange Unified School District. The effect of these individual decisions was not known until about the first week in July.


One other point in your editorial.

The argument that a dual system of bilingual and English immersion programs should be maintained at substantial increases in operating costs offers no real alternative.

Such an arrangement only institutionalizes a failed program and penalizes future students by misleading parents with the illusion of choice.


Member of the Board of Education


* Most bilingual teachers did not leave the Orange Unified School District because of the dismantlement of the bilingual education program. They left because they could earn more money teaching elsewhere.



Yorba Linda
