
Police Overreacted to Hells Angels

In your Sept. 9 edition, you published a quote from Simi Valley City Councilwoman Sandi Webb. In referring to the actions taken by the Simi Valley Police Department toward the participants of a Poker Run sponsored by the Hells Angels motorcycle club, she stated, “I don’t think we were overreacting at all . . . apparently we had a lot of complaints . . . so we beefed up patrols.”

She was further identified as a member of ABATE (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education) of California. As a deputy state director of ABATE, I must state that ABATE of California does not share or support her opinion.

ABATE is a motorcyclists’ rights organization (not a club) dedicated to preserving freedom of choice and freedom of the road, with emphasis on education and safety. Our members are active in programs for public awareness and motorcycle safety, and in supporting many types of charity events. ABATE members encompass both ends of the biker spectrum, from hard-core club members to state assemblymen and senators.


It is clear that the actions taken by the Simi Valley police on Sept. 7 were discriminatory. This is not to say that police shouldn’t take precautions or perform their duties as required; however, it was pretty evident there was some distinct overreaction on somebody’s part and I don’t believe it was the bikers! After all, this is how the legend of Hollister was started some 50 years ago.

SCOTT McCOOL, Deputy Director, Region No. 7, Ventura
