
Last Active Major Leaguers to Have Played...

Last Active Major Leaguers to Have Played for the . . .

1. Philadelphia A’s: Vic Power (Angels, 1965)

2. Boston Braves: Eddie Mathews (Tigers, 1968)

3. Seattle Pilots: Fred Stanley (A’s, 1982)

4. St. Louis Browns: Don Larsen (Cubs, 1967)

5. Washington Senators: Toby Harrah (Rangers, 1986)

6. Original Washington Senators: Jim Kaat (Cards, 1983)

7. N.Y. Giants: Willie Mays (Mets, 1973)

x-Hank Aaron last player from Negro Leagues to play in majors. He played for the Indianapolis Clowns in 1952.

Source: World Features Syndicate
