

Though the GM Project is co-led by saxophonist Garrett and bassist Moffett, the focus on this 1994 date is on the father-and-son rhythm section of Moffett and Moffett. Charles Moffett, the respected Ornette Coleman drummer who died in 1997, makes an argument for genetic telepathy as his cymbal-centered, one-size-fits-all percussion allows his son to make much of his exceptional technical ability and indirect sense of timekeeping. Garrett seems looser and more melodic on this ‘94-recorded session than he does on his own albums, and Chestnut, who replaces Geri Allen from the first GM Project CD, brings intelligent airs and harmonic interest to even the disc’s softer tunes (and there are a few) as well as adding harmonic color on electric keyboards.

Stand-out tunes includes bassist Moffett’s chameleon-like “Get Up” and Chestnut’s reflective “The Mirrored Window” with drummer Moffett’s sparkling rim play. The group even makes something of the unlikely Sinatra anthem “It Was a Very Good Year” with solos as complex as vintage wine. Though they’ll have trouble finding a drummer as paternal as Moffett, the General Music Project is an endeavor worthy of continued pursuit.


Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor), two stars (fair), three stars (good), four stars (excellent).
