
2 Claremont McKenna Alumni Join Fed Panel on Elections

A Newport Beach man and a Virginia man who each earned undergraduate degrees at Claremont McKenna College were confirmed by the U.S. Senate as members of the Federal Election Commission, officials said Thursday.

Darryl Wold of Newport Beach and David Mason of Virginia are the newest additions to the six-member commission.

The panel oversees the agency that regulates campaign finance, enforces election law and administers public funding of presidential elections.


Wold is an attorney with an extensive background in business and election law.

He has been a member of the California State Bar since 1967 and is a member of the California Political Attorneys Assn.

Wold earned his undergraduate degree in accounting with honors from Claremont McKenna in 1963.

Before his appointment to the commission, Mason was a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based think tank.


He served in the Bush administration as deputy assistant secretary of defense for legislative affairs, and was an aide to Sens. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and John Warner (R-Va.), among others.

Mason earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Claremont McKenna in 1979.
