
Guilty Verdict, No Fine for Speeding Skater

Naomi McComb’s trial is over, but her frustration with the system that tagged her with an in-line skating speeding ticket remains.

On July 15, McComb received a $50 ticket for skating 17 mph in an 8-mph zone near her home on the Newport Beach boardwalk.

On Tuesday, McComb contested the ticket in Municipal Court in Newport Beach and was found guilty. But the court commissioner set aside the fine.


“The guilty verdict will placate the police, and I guess we are supposed to be happy with the fine,” her attorney, Robert Tuller Jr., said. “It was a non-decision.”

McComb said she will simply move on.

“It wasn’t a monetary issue for me,” McComb said. “I’m not saying there should be a higher speed limit or that I want to change the law at all. I was just there to say I was not traveling 17 mph, and it did not seem like they were listening.”
