
If Clinton Is Lying, Then He’s Cheating on Us Too

Regarding “Birds, Bees and Bill” (Jan. 28): Perhaps the man in Irvine who told his questioning son that Clinton may have “told a lie or asked someone else to tell a lie” was trying to protect the boy’s youthful innocence, but this limited explanation really cuts right to the heart of the matter.

If it is true that Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and lied about it under oath or encouraged her to do so, it is not his infidelity to his wife that bothers me most, but his infidelity to us, the people of the United States, who chose him to be the leader of our country, in the form of breaking one of the laws that we as a nation have established to help us all live in an orderly society.

If Clinton had been caught lying about a different issue, like income taxes or government spending, the public would show less interest, and the events might even receive less media coverage. Like Kelly Flinn’s discharge from the military last year, the current investigation of Clinton is about an authority figure who lied, incidentally about sexual issues. In both cases, the media and the public in general dwelt upon the sensationalism of the sexual aspect.





The article by Susan Howlett and Steve Emmons doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Why on earth are American parents scared of telling their children the truth?

I am from Europe and have a 17-year-old daughter, so I’ve been through this. Let me tell you something. If kids can’t get the answers they want from their parents, they will get them somewhere else, and they will probably not be accurate.


Los Angeles


Once again, we are facing what not to tell our children about the birds and bees. This whole Clinton situation is the perfect opportunity for parents to discuss some of the simple issues about sexuality.


Explicit sex in our children’s world is not going to go away. Sexuality should be a healthy, normal part of growing up. It’s incumbent on the parents to be not only the primary sex educators, but also to discuss morals and values for their children to live by.


The Birds & Bees Connection

Parent / Child Sex Education

Newport Beach
