
‘Titanic’ Overboard

Last week, a number of people wrote letters chastising Kenneth Turan for his review of the film “Titanic” (“ ‘Titanic’ Sinks Again, Spectacularly,” Dec. 19). The tenor of the letters was that Turan had missed the point, it was the best movie some of these folks had ever seen, etc.

Well, I decided to see it. My reaction: “Folks--Get a life!” The music and special effects were very good. But the film was “scriptless,” the dialogue banal, the story slow to develop, and the hero and heroine frenetically running around the sinking ship in near freezing water was akin to the the endings in the old-time Saturday serials.

On balance, I think Mr. Turan was charitable. But the lines snaking around the movie houses give credence to the saying: “There is no accounting for taste.”



Santa Ana
