
Patricia Smith

Karen Grigsby Bates (Commentary, June 29) bemoans the practices of former Boston Globe writer Patricia Smith, suggesting that Bates’ job has been made more difficult by Smith’s assault upon columnists’ credibility. Illuminating about the tactics of Bates’ writing, not to mention The Times’ editing, is the conspicuous qualifier of Smith as a black columnist.

Turning an issue of competence and honesty into one of race is little more than tabloid exploitation. Discussing the issue of creative writing in journalism as anomalous behavior is ludicrous, but it does explain why each year I spend considerable time teaching defensive reading to my students.


Yorba Linda


I’m pained for Smith’s public humiliation at being fired from the Boston Globe. I’m relieved to know that some media institutions enforce ethical standards for their profession.


Recently I took an entry-level journalism class at a local community college and was distressed to hear the teacher’s position on acceptable interviewing practices. The practices and standards for journalism as taught in that class could never pass muster in my profession: clinical social work.


