
Display Offers Household Tips to Cut Pollution

If you’re thinking of disposing of that motor oil in the garbage or pouring those household chemicals down the drain, you might want to think where it is going.

That is the message of the Pollution Prevention House, a colorful, walk-through, multimedia model built by an interdepartmental team of county officials. It was unveiled Tuesday morning by the Board of Supervisors.

Currently on display at the Ventura County Government Center’s Hall of Administration, the model of a suburban home is designed to teach people how they can reduce local pollution in their everyday lives.


Flushing chemicals down the toilet is a no-no. Recycling oil is the responsible thing to do. The display even beckons passersby with a mirror beaming back, along with the viewer’s face, the phrase “The only species that can stop pollution.”

“It’s cool. It’s neat,” said 9-year-old Anthony Ordonez, one of a small group of Ventura Baptist Church summer camp-goers who stopped by the house Tuesday. “I like to open things.”

The Pollution Prevention House will move to the Ventura County Fair starting Aug. 5. From there, it will tour a variety of sites around the county.
