
Some Light on the Subject

Slip! Slop! Slap! That’s not the printed transcript of Jerry Springer’s last show but, rather, some good advice from the American Cancer Society. It’s offered as in “slip” on a shirt, “slop” on sunscreen and “slap” on a hat. The three-step method is meant to prevent skin cancer--the most common of all cancers. Of particular concern is the dramatic rise in melanoma, an invasive form of skin cancer that accounts for 41,600 new cancer cases and 7,300 cancer deaths each year. Americans have a one-chance-in-80 risk of developing melanoma in their lifetime, and that incidence has increased 125% over the last 20 years. For additional information, call (800) ACS-2345 or see the society’s Web site at

Intimate Discussion

On your couples to-do list, is sex always at the bottom? If so, you’re not alone. As many as one in three couples blame the growing number of souring relationships on a lack of intimacy, according to an article in the August issue of Shape magazine. The article offers these love boosters: Get emotionally closer, set “dates” to have sex, surprise your mate with a small gift or love note, and try reading an erotic novel.

A Family Thing

A pregnancy usually brings a couple close together. There’s caring, classes and lots of camaraderie. But after junior is born, the roof can cave in on couples, according to an article in the fall issue of Fit Pregnancy magazine. Then there is conflict, conflict and more conflict. The article advises expecting couples to postpone major stressful events like a job change or move at least until the baby is 6 months old, set limits on visits from relatives and find time alone as a couple.


Breast Alert

Generally, you don’t see a lot of signs that proclaim “Breastfeeding Welcome Here.” But just give Motherwear, a company based in Northampton, Mass., a chance. In honor of World Breastfeeding Week Aug. 1-7, the company is urging people nationwide to embrace nursing mothers at work and in public. Motherwear is offering the “Breastfeeding Welcome Here” decals free of charge. For more information from Motherwear, call (800) 950-2500 or visit its Web site at
