
Public Access to City Officials’ Elevator Proposed

Taking a stand against elevator elitism, City Councilwoman Laura Chick said Monday that she will seek to eliminate one of the most controversial amenities at City Hall’s new temporary headquarters on Main Street: the “official-use only” elevator.

Chick said she will introduce a motion at Wednesday’s City Council meeting to redesignate the official-use-only elevator a general-use elevator, open to everyone.

The tempest stems from ceaseless complaints about the elevator system since the city’s executive offices were moved one block east to enable earthquake repairs in the old City Hall.


The elevators in the new temporary City Hall are so slow that City Councilman John Ferraro has summoned the head of General Services to the Council to explain why productivity has been fettered by them.

Chick’s proposed motion takes aim at what was supposed to be a remedy: an elevator marked “official-use only” set aside for the mayor, council members, and other higher-ups, and accessible only with a key.

The elite elevator “is ridiculous,” and should be done away with, an aide for Chick said. Many City Hall workers feel the same way, judging by the grousing during elevator waits.


The City Council meets at 10 a.m. Wednesday in City Hall East, 200 N. Main St., on the third floor.
