
Also. . .

* Rail regulators gave final approval to a $10-billion plan to carve up Conrail routes and end 22 years of a congressionally created rail monopoly in the Northeast. Barring a successful challenge, CSX Corp. and Norfolk Southern Corp. can begin carving up Conrail as early as Aug. 22.

* Daimler-Benz’s planned $44-billion purchase of Chrysler Corp., the largest foreign takeover of a U.S. company, was cleared by European antitrust officials. The European Commission said the combined company, to be known as DaimlerChrysler, poses no threat to competition in the European auto market.

* Valerie Caproni, a federal prosecutor in New York City, has been named Pacific regional director of the Securities and Exchange Commission, replacing Elaine Cacheris, effective in September.


* AT&T;’s $11.3-billion takeover of Teleport Communications Group was completed after federal regulators approved the deal.

* Motorola Inc. said Frederick Tucker will take a new position as deputy to the chief executive, effective Oct. 1. Tucker, 58, is president of Motorola’s Automotive, Component, Computer & Energy Sector.

* Weiss Peck & Greer, a New York investment firm, and partners formed a new company, Lionheart Newspapers Inc., to build a diversified community newspaper operation that will be based in Fort Worth.
