

Behrouz Saba tries to sound very authoritative about how “any military or police apparatus fights far more fiercely within its own ranks than it battles the enemy or criminals,” then uses two works of fiction as “proof” (Letters, May 10).

Gee, then I wonder how those millions of dead German and Japanese soldiers in World War II got that way? Somebody was fighting them.

I don’t know in which branch of the military Saba served and fought and risked his life, but in the real world, misfits, thumb-sucking mama’s boys and other losers who whine about adult discipline usually wash out during basic training, or else inevitably they’re later arrested, court-martialed and imprisoned for their troublemaking. Those fictitious characters in “The Dirty Dozen” were murderers, rapists and other convicts who were offered a reprieve if they’d undertake an exciting but preposterous mission. Good Hollywood yarn stuff, but hardly realistic military life, where brave warriors won’t tolerate weak-link troublemakers in any squad or platoon.


Same with cops. Somebody caught all those dangerous criminals who are overcrowding the prisons. Kinda hard to do if the good guys are just fighting among themselves. Several million non-cowards would appreciate an apology, Mr. Saba.


Mesa, Ariz.
