
Non-Golfers Use Parks Too

* Re “Full-Scale Emergency,” May 7:

It’s infuriating. Every article about the development of central Mile Square Regional Park into yet another golf course characterizes the plan’s opponents as a small group of model airplane enthusiasts.

In fact, many others enjoy getting under the “big sky” of the old landing strip area. As I take my kids biking there, I see people jogging, walking their dogs or just walking.

And indeed, as I’ll credit you for mentioning, 25,000 Boy Scouts and their families do use the central area; the Scouts’ annual Scout-O-Rama draws troops from Corona to Mission Viejo.


I see police department squad cars and motorcycles training there. Ad agencies do photo shoots in the central area several times a month. Part of the film “Star Troopers” was shot in this space, and the production company paid heavily for the rights.

This public park already has two 18-hole golf courses and two 300-yard driving ranges, all operated by a private concessionaire. The notion of cashing in public parkland “for profit” was hatched during the county bankruptcy. Publicly owned parklands serve everyone.

If the central portion simply must be developed, it should be as additional playground and picnic space. Golf already takes up a disproportional amount of space for the number of people involved. Let the most avid golfers join a country club.



Fountain Valley
