
Job Search

I read with interest your May 9 articles, “U.S. Jobless Rate Dips to 28-Year Low” and “Worker-Starved Companies Go Hire and Hire.”

In March 1997 I lost my job. Since then I have worked only temporary jobs and not at all since January. I have filled out numerous applications, faxed dozens upon dozens of resumes. Many of these companies advertise they need someone now. I have the skills they advertise for (otherwise I wouldn’t waste my time) and never hear back from them after applying or faxing. My wife, whose manufacturing job has been cut back to four days a week, and I are fearful of losing our house since our savings are nearly wiped out. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! My response is: Where? Where? Where?

If companies are so intent on wooing new employees, then why can’t their personnel departments have the courtesy to at least send a postcard to applicants who did not get a position? If companies are so worker-starved, how can a college-educated, solid, dependable, mature person like myself be out of work for so long?



