
Al Checchi

It’s amazing to learn that Al Checchi’s money will be a detriment in his campaign (“Holdings Could Be a Burden for Checchi as Governor,” May 18). This was never a factor for the Kennedys, Rockefellers or Roosevelts.

Your article states that he would be influenced by his holdings in how he deals with the state’s problems. Less so than out and out contributions influence the other candidates. Checchi should be commended for making and spending his own money, not the other way around.


Van Nuys


Why would a man who has made many millions of dollars spend over $20 million for a position that would pay him less than $200,000 a year for four years? Curiouser and curiouser.



San Diego


As far as I am concerned, Checchi is the very best candidate for governor that the Republican Party has ever given to the Democratic Party.


Cathedral City


When will we stop financing political campaigns and start funding voters? Legitimate campaign finance reform? It’s certain to never happen. And besides, how would it address candidates like Checchi, who spend millions of their own dollars, yet barely dent their vast fortunes? As for public financing of campaigns, it would greatly benefit advertising companies, but would not level the playing field. And we can’t rely on the corporate media to fully inform voters. If it’s really a free press, why aren’t we hearing about all the candidates for all the offices?

Clearly, the answer to voter apathy is voter education. Through a voluntary checkoff on our state tax return, we could fund the kinds of public forums, debates, media access and more that would truly empower our citizens, reinvigorate democracy and promote real justice for all Californians.



Los Angeles
