
Check It Out

Recommendations for young readers by Susan Patron, senior librarian of the Los Angeles Public Library:

These favorites will make reading aloud the best part of the day, for both children and parents.

* Babies and Toddlers: “Go Away, Big Green Monster” by Ed Emberley

A clever book that children like because it allows them to control and conquer a monster.

* Preschoolers: “Hi, Pizza Man!” by Virginia Walter

This guessing game, with sounds your child can make with you, encourages interaction with the written word.


* Kindergarten: “That’s Good! That’s Bad!” by Marjery Cuyler

A funny story that stretches the imagination and gets children thinking.

* First and second grades: “Frog and Toad Are Friends” by Arnold Lobel

Beginning readers will build their reading skills as they follow the adventures of these two best friends.

* Third grade: “Flat Stanley” by Jeff Brown

Popular story about all the things a boy can do when he’s completely flat.


Some of the books to be read this week on KCET’s “Storytime,” Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

* “The Grumpalump” by Sarah Hayes

On the ground lies a big “grumpalump,” or a lump that grumps. One by one, animals approach the grumpalump to determine what it is. (themes: rhyme, problem-solving)


* “Subway Sparrow” by Leyla Torres

When a sparrow flies into a subway car, a little girl tries to help it escape. A man who only speaks Spanish tries to help her. A Polish woman also helps. Though each person speaks a different language, they are able to set the sparrow free outside the station. (themes: cooperation, problem-solving)

* “Dogteam” by Gary Paulsen

A team of dogs pulls a sled through a cold and snowy night, admiring and observing the winter forest landscape. (themes: feelings, nature, animals)


* Send letters to Reading Page Editor, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, 90053 or send e-mail to [email protected].
