
OCTA Mechanics Approve Contract, Preventing Strike


Averting a walkout that could have crippled bus service in Orange County, members of the bus mechanics union voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to accept a new contract.

“It’s good news for everyone in the county, especially our passengers,” said John Standiford, a spokesman for the Orange County Transportation Authority.

More than 200 bus mechanics, members of the Teamsters union, had threatened to strike as early as today if demands for increased retirement benefits were not addressed. Retirees from the transit agency are currently entitled to about half the supplemental monthly pay allowed Orange County government retirees.


The agreement was reached after county transit officials met with union leaders Tuesday and agreed to consider increasing those benefits for bus mechanics as well as other affected transit employees.

After that session, union leaders said they would recommend that their members approve the new contract, which offers a raise of 3% annually for the next three years as well as other incentives.

Bus mechanics voted by more than 4 to 1 in favor of the agreement, according to transit officials.


A strike could have crippled bus service countywide, putting as many as half of the county’s 72 bus lines out of service. The county has not had a bus strike in 12 years.
