
Writing the Book on Leonardo

Anywhere else in the world, you’d think “an evening of performance pieces inspired by, about and for Leonardo” would most likely be a tribute to Italian genius Leonardo Da Vinci.

Not in L.A.

Cable access queen Victoria Looseleaf has been throwing these oddball tributes to promote her new unauthorized biography of Leonardo DiCaprio, “Leonardo Up Close and Personal” (Ballantine).

The most recent event was held Saturday at Book Soup Bistro in West Hollywood, drew about 15 people and featured a motley cast.


Poet Doug Knott read from his poem on celebrity, “Sunset Strip Self-Improvement Affirmations,” Peter Wing Healey performed a piece from Proust’s “Remembrance of Things Past,” and former Ikette Maxayne Lewis sang an original ballad, “Love is Leonardo.”

All the while, Looseleaf regaled the small audience with tales of the “Titanic” star, who made his first TV appearance at age 11 on her cable access show, “The Looseleaf Report.”

Looseleaf claims to be a close friend of the DiCaprio family. She sees the hunk regularly, she says, and they are buds.


Our only question: Then why is the book unauthorized?
