
Is It Time to MOP Up Any MVP Controversy?

The Baseball Writers Assn. of America has yet to divulge the MVP award’s esoteric criteria. Does this illustrious award hinge upon some cryptic formula? Is it based upon cranium circumference?

If the MVP is truly the most-valuable-player award, perhaps baseball should mandate that the writers delay their precious votes a few weeks, until after the World Series. After all, who’s more valuable than the World Series champions’ best player? If the baseball writers insist on voting before the playoffs, isn’t the award essentially for MOP (most outstanding player), whose ever-changing criteria are still a jumble of attributes that range from the nebulous (on-field persona) to the trite (clubhouse presence)?

BROCK D. COHEN, Sherman Oaks


Just out of idle curiosity, how much maternity leave will Bill Plaschke be taking after he has Sammy Sosa’s baby?


JOHN CONTE, Torrance
